JSO Foundation


Give a lasting legacy. The Jackson Symphony Orchestra Association Foundation, Inc. is the financial underpinning of The Jackson Symphony Orchestra Association. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the investment expertise of our Trustees, the endowment now exceeds $1 million, remarkable for a regional orchestra. Increasing the endowment is a top priority for securing the future of the JSO. Gifts to the endowment can be made outright during a donor’s lifetime or through a retirement plan, insurance policy, estate or trust. Become a member of the Legacy Society today. When making your will or other estate plans, please consider the Jackson Symphony Orchestra. A bequest in your will can be as simple as: I give ($__) or (__%) of the residue of my estate) to the Jackson Symphony Orchestra Endowment. See your attorney or contact us. Have you remembered the JSO in your Estate Plan? If you have, kindly let us know so that we can say thank you now.